What is freelance writing: How to become a freelance writer

If you plan to become a freelance writer, there are many things to consider. You must have a thing for writing. Do not just follow the trends and start chasing this profession. You need a command of grammar and vocabulary. Always choose a profession that you enjoy. So what is freelance writing? It means offering your writing services on a freelance basis.

Freelance writing includes many different types of services. For example, you can write website content, blog posts, articles, press releases, guest posts, social media content, and more. In this article, you will explore how to start freelance writing. Moreover, we will know how you can excel in this field.

What is Freelance Writing?

A freelance writer can work on his terms independently. You can decide your workload according to your ease. Also, you can work from anywhere, even in your home. A freelance writer is not bound to work a single 9 to 5 job. 

You can work on multiple projects for multiple clients simultaneously. Additionally, you can sign contracts based on your availability. A freelance writer can do a long-term job or get paid per article or project.

How to Become a freelance writer

What is freelance writing

If you want to pursue this profession as a career, then you must keep the following tips in mind:

Observe the freelance writing industry

Firstly, you should explore the work that is already being done. Observe the pro freelance writers. You can go through their websites, blogs, and articles. In this way, you will learn a lot about this field. 

You can learn how they do their work and their process. Also, visit the freelance marketplaces and job portals. You can get an idea about the requirements and pay packages worldwide.

Polish your skills

Secondly, focus on polishing your skills. Learn the essential skill and keep improving and upgrading. This way, your skills will never be outdated, and you will succeed in your profession. Keep practicing writing and develop business and communication skills as well.

Get all the tools you need

You must be equipped with all the tools to help you work better. Your laptop must be in good condition. Additionally, you need editing software and free stock images source like Canva. You also need tools for checking grammar, like Grammarly. Thirdly you need a keyword research tool, for example, Ahrefs. Create your payment bank account, a Gmail for communication, and an official phone number.

Understand Various Writing Requirements

Different types of write-ups have different requirements. SEO writing for websites needs thorough optimization. You need to write shorter sentences. Furthermore, you should write shorter paragraphs with proper headings and subheadings with keyword optimization. 

On the other hand, academic writing needs research and referencing. You need to use correct grammar and valid information. Understand different requirements and practice till you master them. 

Find your niche

Find the niche that you love and excel in that niche. There are many options like business writing, product descriptions, Copywriting, technical writing, and medical writing. So, pick the one in which you can perform better. 

Maintain Your Portfolio

Try to find local clients like your close relatives and friends and work for them. This will help you build a portfolio. You can also add your practice writing samples to your portfolio. Your portfolio should portray what you got. You can build a portfolio website or use writing portfolio websites like Squarespace or JournoPortfolio.

Find a Job

Lastly, start searching for a job. You can hunt for various online jobs through Facebook as a beginner. You can also work on Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer.com, LinkedIn, and Indeed. These sites are perfect for searching for a decent remote job. 

Create well-optimized profiles and start bidding on different jobs and projects. This will help kickstart your writing journey.

What services can you offer as a Freelance writer?

What is freelance writing

You can offer various services to cater to your writing needs as a freelance writer.

Content Creation: 

You can specialize in creating engaging and informative articles, blog posts, and website content. Always write content that captures your readers’ attention. So, you can write SEO-optimized content or do captivating storytelling.


If you are good at persuasive writing, copywriting is for you. You can craft compelling copy for advertisements, landing pages, and promotional materials. Such type of content is written to drive conversions and boost sales.

Editing and Proofreading: 

Thirdly, you should possess a keen eye for detail. In this way, you can meticulously edit and proofread your existing content. It helps to ensure grammatical accuracy, clarity, and consistency.

Social Media Management: 

You can help brands enhance their online presence. And you can do this by developing engaging social media content. You can even manage their accounts. You need to create effective strategies to increase reach and engagement.


You can target people with a great idea but lack the time or writing skills to bring it to life. You can ghostwrite a book, eBook, or manuscript. But, simultaneously, you must maintain their unique voice and style.

You only need a diverse skill set and commitment to deliver high-quality work. Then you can provide exceptional writing services tailored to various requirements.

How to get paid as a freelance writer

Every buyer has unique business terms and offering prices. Some people want 500-word-long social media content and pay $20 for that. On the other hand, some clients need long-term work to run a whole website. So you can target the clients of your choice and negotiate prices with them. 

As a beginner, you can offer comparatively lower prices to build a relationship with the client. You can decide your payment terms and communicate them in advance. Here are some tips you can follow:

To ensure timely payment as a freelance writer, follow these steps:

Establish Clear Terms

Set clear payment terms with your clients from the beginning. Secondly, include the rate, payment schedule, and preferred payment method.

Create Detailed Invoices

Prepare professional invoices. Add all the detailing of the services and rates. Don’t forget to include any additional expenses. Then send the invoice to the client once you complete the work.


Be proactive in following up with clients for delayed payments. Politely remind them of the outstanding invoice. Also, inquire about the pending payment status.

Consider Payment Platforms

Use online payment platforms like PayPal or Payoneer. These platforms facilitate smooth and secure transactions. They offer convenience for both buyers and sellers.

Implement Contracts

Signing contracts can help protect your rights as a freelancer. So you can include clauses regarding payment terms, late fees, and project milestones. It will help to ensure clarity and avoid any disputes.

Maintain Professionalism

Communication is the key. Always keep communicating throughout the payment process. Also, keep records of all the conversations. Further, positively handle any inconvenience.

Implementing these strategies can help you get paid promptly. Furthermore, you develop positive client relationships in your freelance writing career.


In conclusion, the above tips are best to lead someone with the question ‘What is freelance writing’ in mind. Develop effective learning and practicing strategy. Firstly, you need to find your interest. Explore the industry and get inspired by people already doing well in this field. Learn from them, then start your journey. Constantly improve your skillset and add value to your client’s life. Finally, it will help you get highly paid on a long-term basis. 

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