Does Ketchup Need To Be Refrigerated? How To Store It Properly?

does ketchup need to be refrigerated

In the game of sauces, few are as universally loved as catsup or ketchup. Whether you’re slathering it on a burger, dipping fries, or adding a blob to your comfort meal, it is a staple in almost every household. But recently foodies started a debate over the internet. They were concerned that does ketchup need … Read more

The Hype About Green Ketchup: How To Make It

green ketchup

Do you remember Green Ketchup? This condiment sparked curiosity and excitement. Apart from this, some controversy also arose when it first hit the market. Let us take you on a journey through the intriguing its intriguing history. Also, interesting facts about its initial launch, and the mysterious reasons why it stopped selling. Lastly, if you … Read more