The Tech Savvy Blog

How to use Pinterest for blogging

Want to promote your blog to get more traffic? Try Pinterest! It is one of the best ways to drive traffic and engage people on your blog. But how to use Pinterest for blogging?

Pinterest is not just a platform to find your home decor inspos or a DIY mask to make your skin glow instantly. It is a great space to gain traffic on your blog and even promote your business.

Pinterest is more than a visual bookmarking platform. You go to Pinterest, search for ideas, visit the most helpful links, and save them for later use. So, why can’t you do this for your blog? For this, you just have to create engaging and informative pins that compel the users to visit your site. Let’s learn how you can do this effectively!

How Can We Grow Traffic Using Pinterest?

how to use pinterest for blogging

Pinterest is a game-changer for content creators and bloggers. We use it as a search engine to find answers to our queries. So we can use it to promote as well. Bloggers put their heart and soul into creating SEO-friendly, helpful, and click-worthy content.

But to stand out in today’s competitive market, we must go the extra mile. So, we also have to promote our blogs on other sources to get more traffic. Moreover, this is another way of backlinking our site to get more traffic through social platforms.

Instead of relying on Google to rank your content, you should also make some effort on Pinterest. It is like advertising content on other platforms to engage people and drag them to your site. For this, you must create a business profile on Pinterest and then create engaging pins with helpful information.

How To Use Pinterest For Blogging

It is a powerful marketing tool to advertise your business. Furthermore, it is evident from the biggest brands like Walmart and Apple, as they are also promoting their business on Pinterest. It is a goldmine for bloggers from any niche. Getting views and clicks on your Pins is not a piece of cake. You need a lot of strategies to grow on Pinterest.

But first, we must understand how it works to make the most out of it. So, here is a step-by-step guide to get you started.

Create A Pinterest Business Profile

Firstly, you need to set up a business profile on Pinterest. Sign up to Pinterest if you haven’t already and switch to a business profile for free. This profile will provide you an opportunity to represent your business or brand and see insights as well.

This easy access to analytics can help you determine what your audience is more likely to find helpful. Hence, you can promote your content that way and hit the right audience. So, a business profile makes you appear more professional to your audience and builds authority.

Start Branding

For recognition and trust, you must brand your Pinterest profile properly. But how to make a cohesive brand identity resonate with your audience?

The second step is to create your brand on Pinterest. Name the account with the name of your blog, and add keywords in your bio and title. The username must be the same as your blog. 

Now, create different boards and add keywords in the description. These boards must be related to the niche of your blog. Lastly, you must create engaging Pins that can attract a targeted audience.

Increase Your Followers

A Huge follower family means more eyes will be on your content. Explore different strategies and organically increase your blog’s reach. So, you can join different group boards and communities and follow relevant people on Pinterest.

Keyword Research To Get More Reach

Keywords are the key to SEO. If you want to optimize your content so that search engines can rank it, you must create content keeping those in mind. You can use Pinterest suggestions to find relevant keywords.

Add SEO-friendly Post Descriptions

Your pin descriptions must be well-optimized using those keywords. It can significantly improve your visibility on Pinterest.

Create Attractive Pins That Are Click-Worthy

Create clickworthy Pins that users are compelled to view. You can use a tool like Canva to create engaging Pins or hire a graphic designer to do this job for you. Infographics are one of the most popular forms of Pins. So, design a pin that users crave to learn more. Hence, you can add engaging pictures and information users will read and click on the blog links. 

Pro Tips On How To Use Pinterest For Blogging

Reference: ( Katie Grazer )

Observe what strategies successful bloggers apply to maximize their Pinterest impact. Here are some bonus tips to help you grow on Pinterest:

  1. Your blog must be pinnable. Add the Pinterest icon and link on your blog so that people can connect on Pinterest, too.
  2. Engage with the community you build, i.e., your followers. It will help you create a valuable audience and understand what people want to see.
  3. Thirdly, you must post regularly and maintain a Google Sheet to track your progress. 
  4. Additionally, you can schedule your posts to ensure consistency.
  5. You can join Facebook Groups for bloggers from every niche to promote Pinterest accounts.
  6. Most importantly, your content must be helpful. Focus on solving the problems for people, and you will start growing on Pinterest.


Wrapping up, Pinterest is a powerful resource for bloggers. It is a great way to expand your reach and attract a broader audience. However, many people are confused about how to use Pinterest for blogging. 

You just need to follow some strategies and make mindful decisions to attract the audience. Create a valuable page that people find both engaging and helpful. Follow the above tips and see it making a difference in your blog traffic.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How To Use Pinterest For Blogging?

You can easily promote your blog on Pinterest. All you need to do is create engaging Pins and upload them with a link to your blog post. Additionally, the description of Pin must be well-optimized with relevant keywords. So, when a user clicks the Pin, he will be directed to the link of your blog post.

Is Pinterest a good traffic source?

Pinterest is a powerful tool to get traffic. you can create engaging content i.e.,  pins that attract an audience and drive traffic to your blog. However, you need to follow mindful strategies.

Should I promote my blog on Pinterest?

It is a great idea to promote your blog on Pinterest. You can engage a large user base and increase visibility and traffic. Moreover, it gives Google a signal that your site has traffic from multiple sources.

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